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     Foxes are deeply entrenched in the lore of many ancient cultures. Some Native American tribes believed foxes were creator gods; benevol...

Monday, February 26, 2024

Lava Caves


There are different types of caves. This article will focus on Lava Caves also known as Lava Tubes.

While researching caves for my book The Gauntlet of Power Resurrection, I found some intriguing information. Most lava caves are shallow, some are buried by newer lava flows. Occasionally, new lava may fill an older existing tube destroying it. Many lava caves are single tubes that can extend for miles. Sometimes lava tubes can be quite complex with passage splits and junctions, multiple levels and even sudden drop offs. All of which reflect how the lava flowed and formed.

There were a lot of things I was unaware of when researching for this article. Lava caves are born of fire, high on mountains where they often form or in cold regions where they can contain ice. Caves are very well insulated with constant temperatures reflecting the average temperature of the region where they form. Summer high temperatures and winter lows have almost no effect underground.

Lava tubes in cold places eventually become cold once the volcanic eruption ends. This means they become cold enough for ice to form. In some instances, the shape of cave passages may make a trap for cold air that sinks into the tube in winter. It remains cold through the summer. These caves lack stalactites and stalagmites, but can have large, spectacular ice formations.

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