Foxes are deeply entrenched in the lore of many ancient cultures. Some Native American tribes believed foxes were creator gods; benevolent and wise. Others though associated them with fire and the sun.
Foxes are small to medium-sized animals with russet-red fur, pointed ears, and a bushy tail. Foxes have a triangular face, pointed ears, an elongated rostrum, and a bushy tail. They have narrow ears and white-colored undersides that help distinguish them from common household pets.
Most fox tails have colors at the end called tags. Red foxes tend to have white tags, fennec foxes and gray foxes have black tags. This can help tell them apart. Gray foxes sometimes get confused with red foxes, but the tag color can help clear up any doubt.
Foxes eyes are unique with an air of mystery. Foxes have many features that draw your attention to them, but their eyes have an intensity that feels consuming. Foxes are nocturnal by nature. This is evident from the way they can see in the dark, as well as in the daytime.
Most foxes pupils are vertically split, instead of round, like other canids. The structure of their eyes is very similar to cat eyes. The vertical pupils, give them the ability to restrict light going into the eye. This allows them to see in many different light conditions, such as night, twilight, and daylight.Their eyes reflect light, also, much like cats. A layer in their eyes, called the tapetum lucidum, gives them night vision. Because their eyes reflect the light that passes through them, at night it may seem like their eyes are glowing. However, it is just the light reflection.